How To Start A Startup If You're Not A Developer

Eric Liu



How To Build Product

Your choices

  1. Find a CTO / tech partner
  2. Code it yourself
  3. Hire developer(s) to build your MVP

Each has pros and cons

  1. You can't get a tech cofounder
  2. Hiring consideations

So You're Going To Hire...


  1. Idea thieves
  2. Non delivery
  3. Getting ripped off
  4. No money
  5. No time

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

What is it?

MVP is the smallest feature set you can deliver to be valuable enough to test

What's good about it?

Quick and dirty way to prove your concept to yourself, investors, early users

What's bad about it?

It's quick and dirty.

What This Class IS

  1. MVP
  2. Yeah, that's right. I just used the word bamboozle.

What This Class Is NOT

Different Startups Have Different Needs

There's no universal solution for anything.

Not all ideas can be built this way. Can yours?

How to get the most out of these 4 weeks